Is Hotel Wi-Fi Safe? Security Risks & How to Protect Yourself

In today’s interconnected world, having access to the internet while traveling is an absolute necessity, and hotel Wi-Fi has become a convenient solution for many globetrotters. However, not many people realize that the convenience comes with a significant caveat — hotel Wi-Fi security risks! Whether you’re traveling for business or leisure, understanding these potential threats...

Your Definitive Guide to VPN Protocols

No one can deny that privacy and security are major concerns in the digital age. Cyber threats are ever-evolving; some have become so sophisticated that they can monitor and record our online activities in secret. This highlights the need to seriously consider solutions to protect our personal information — which is exactly where VPN protocols...

Free VPN vs. Paid VPN: Which is Better? 

When it comes to privacy, security, and maintaining reliable access to your favorite websites or apps, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is arguably one of the most indispensable tools out there. But not all VPNs are created equal — free and paid VPN services can mean drastically different levels of service, not to mention security....

How to Set Up a VPN on Android: A Step-by-Step Guide

In today’s digital age, ensuring the privacy and security of your online activities has never been more critical. Whether you’re looking to protect your data from cyber threats, access region-restricted content, or maintain anonymity while browsing, setting up a VPN for Android (Virtual Private Network) is an essential move. This guide will walk you through...

Does VPN Hide Your Search History?

In an age of increased surveillance and data mining, protecting one’s privacy has never been more crucial. Enter the Virtual Private Network (VPN), a technology hailed for its ability to secure and privatize internet connections. But beyond the layers of encryption and IP address camouflage, does a VPN truly hide search history from prying eyes?...

The Essential Guide on How to Get a VPN in Canada

In today’s digitally connected world, privacy and secure internet access have become paramount concerns for users everywhere, including in Canada. Whether you’re interested in safeguarding your online activities from prying eyes, accessing geo-restricted content, or simply ensuring a safer internet connection, a VPN in Canada (Virtual Private Network) can be a perfect solution. In this...

Top 10 Benefits of Using a VPN

As we increasingly rely on digital technologies, we expose ourselves to the risk of privacy violations and cyber threats. Unsurprisingly, more people are leveraging Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to enhance online security. So what motivates this trend, and what are the main benefits of using a VPN? Given the plethora of digital security solutions on...

Clearing the Confusion: Is VPN illegal in UAE?

In recent years, the question whether using VPN in UAE is illegal has piqued the curiosity of residents and expatriates alike, throughout the United Arab Emirates. With the rise of digitalization and the increased need for online privacy, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become a go-to solution for many seeking to protect their internet activities....

What is a VPN? Everything You Need to Know

What is VPN? This is a question many people have been asking lately, especially in the wake of recent global events. A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a service that allows you to connect to the Internet securely and anonymously. It creates an encrypted VPN tunnel between your device and the server. This has...

Are Free VPNs Safe?

Do free VPNs sell your data? The whole point of using a VPN is to keep your information safe from interested parties — something that a free VPN service doesn’t offer.

How To Use VPN on Your iPhone

Most people don’t realize it, but using a VPN on an iPhone should no longer be considered an optional security measure. Nowadays, personal data is a priceless commodity; protecting it is something that all should start to take more seriously, regardless of what device you’re using. Don’t believe us? Take into account a recent report...

How to Save Your Money with VPN

In this digital age, it’s more important than ever to protect your online privacy. Hackers are everywhere, and they’re always looking for new ways to steal your information. One way to keep yourself safe is by using a VPN. A VPN (a virtual private network) encrypts your data and keeps it secure, even when using...

Can You Be Tracked With A VPN?

If you’ve recently started using a (Virtual Private Network) VPN, you might be wondering if you’re completely safe and anonymous. You might have also encountered a website that’s using VPN tracking technology that’s prevented you from accessing the site.  The question is, are you completely anonymous when using a VPN? If a site has picked...

How to Set Up a VPN on Your Mac

Apple claims that Macs enjoy state-of-the-art protection that makes them less vulnerable to malware and cyberattacks. For years, Mac users felt safe while their Windows counterparts succumbed to hackers and malicious programs. However, with cybercrime becoming more advanced every year, many Mac users are turning to VPNs to add an extra layer of security. In...

Why Everyone Needs a VPN: Common VPN Uses

In this modern era of digital connectivity, online security is no longer a luxury but a necessity. One of the key tools to ensure this security is a Virtual Private Network, or VPN. The myriad VPN uses not only encompass safeguarding your online privacy, but they also extend to securing your data, bypassing geo-restrictions, and...

VPN vs Firewall: Understanding the Key Differences

In the complex realm of network security, there are two terms that often cause confusion — VPN (Virtual Private Network) and Firewall. While both are crucial for safeguarding your online activities, they have distinct functionalities, purposes and deployment methods. It is essential to grasp these differences in order to protect your data and privacy effectively...

The Importance of Using a VPN for Remote Work

Working remotely has become a new norm,  as more people than ever before are able to work from home, in coffee shops, or in other remote locations. According to a study published by Global Workplace Analytics, a staggering 82% of US workers would prefer to work remotely at least once a week. That translates to...

How Does a VPN Protect You From Viruses

In 2022, up to 75% of organizations experienced a malware infection that spread from user to user. With the ongoing battle between cybersecurity experts and hackers, viruses are becoming increasingly sophisticated.  Using a VPN can add an extra layer of protection but you’ll also need a reputable anti-malware program to keep your devices safe.  In...

How to Speed Up a VPN Connection

Are you using a VPN and having connection issues? Are you not sure how to speed it up? In this article, we will be going over some tips on how to speed up VPN connection. By following these simple steps, you can have a smoother, faster VPN experience. Try ClearVPN Experience the full potential of...

How To Use Binance In The US with VPN

The fact that Binance was banned in 2019, frustrated many cryptocurrency investors in the US. This led to a hunt for ways to overcome the restriction, including accessing Binance with VPN. However, not all VPNs are equally effective in restoring access to the platform. Some VPNs fail to provide the necessary security and stealth to...

Why Is It Important To Use a VPN While Traveling

Imagine you’re on an idyllic holiday when you realize your email has been hacked. Or, worse, you realize a hacker has gotten access to your bank account. All of a sudden, your picture-perfect paradise is shattered – and the rest of your trip is spent trying to patch up the holes so more damage isn’t...

Best Apps for Digital Nomads

As the internet and technology continues to improve, it’s allowed all of us to work differently. We’re no longer confined to an office building, or even a standard 9-to-5 work schedule, for better or worse. Many jobs can be done from anywhere and at any time. This flexibility can be a huge relief for many...

What is a VPN Tunnel? An Easy Guide

A VPN protects you from hackers. But how does it hide your IP address from cyber criminals, spies, or the government? Is it foolproof, or should you take additional precautions? The answers lie in the technology that drives the VPN tunnel to keep you secure. In this article, I’ll dive deeper into the technicalities of...

Why do you need a VPN when using WiFi at coworking spaces?

Did you know that globally there are approximately 1.59 billion freelancers? In addition, 30% of employees now work at exclusively remote companies. Since the pandemic, remote working or hybrid work has become the new norm for many.  However, with one of the top cons of remote work being loneliness, many remote workers and freelancers have...

dVPN vs VPN — What’s The Difference?

Growing security risks on the Internet have led many users to sign up to use a VPN. By doing so, they trust VPN providers for much-needed security and privacy. Now, privacy-conscious users hope that the emergence of the decentralized VPN — or dVPN — will allow them to be less reliant on VPN providers’ infrastructure. ...

How to Use a Geo VPN to Bypass Any Blocks and Content Restrictions

Geo-locked content is a burden for many travelers and business owners. It can be frustrating to find out that you can’t watch your favorite TV show or stream the newest movie because of where you are in the world. In this case, a geo VPN offers a solution by routing your connection to servers located...

How to Bypass Internet Restrictions in Indonesia

In July 2022, the Indonesian government implemented a new set of regulations that restricts access to internet content. If you are a business or individual who relies on the Internet and social media for work or personal matters, then you may find Indonesia internet restrictions a challenge. Don’t worry! In this guide, we’ll show you...