How to Make Your Phone Impossible to Track

There’s no denying that in today’s digital age, the smartphone has become an integral part of our daily lives. We keep these devices on our person most hours of the day, giving us constant access to the Internet. But few people ever wonder whether it is possible that someone could be tracking you through these...

Can an iPhone Be Hacked? Insights into Remote Security Threats

In an age where our lives are increasingly intertwined with our digital devices, there’s one question that often comes to mind: is it possible to get your iPhone hacked? While iPhones are generally considered to be more secure than other devices, they are certainly not immune to cyber-attacks. In this guide, we’ll explore the various...

How to Know if Your Phone is Tapped

In today’s digitally connected world, the privacy of our communications is more important than ever. With rising concerns about surveillance and unauthorized access to personal information, the thought of having your phone tapped can be unsettling. Whether through sophisticated hacking techniques or more straightforward spyware, unauthorized eavesdropping poses a real threat to personal security and...

Top 10 Benefits of Using a VPN

As we increasingly rely on digital technologies, we expose ourselves to the risk of privacy violations and cyber threats. Unsurprisingly, more people are leveraging Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to enhance online security. So what motivates this trend, and what are the main benefits of using a VPN? Given the plethora of digital security solutions on...

Is Telegram Safe? The Truth About Its Security Features

In an age where digital privacy and security are paramount, the Telegram app has emerged as a beacon for those seeking a secure messaging platform. With its promise of end-to-end encryption and a suite of privacy features, Telegram app security has become a topic of significant interest and debate among users. But is Telegram really...

How to Block Websites on iPhone

Nowadays, there’s no denying that there is a lot of inappropriate and potentially harmful content circulating the Internet. Probably the easiest avenue for misinformation to reach us is through our mobile devices. So learning how to block websites on iPhone (still the most popular smartphone in the world) is one way to help ensure a...

How to Protect Your Phone From Being Hacked

Your smartphone is a valuable piece of technology. Not only does it allow you to stay connected with the world, but it also stores a lot of personal information. If you’re not careful, your phone could be hacked and all of your data could be stolen. For this reason, it’s worth learning how to protect...

How To Change IP Address On iPhone

The iPhone is not as secure as it used to be. Last year, new vulnerabilities were discovered that suggested that hackers are turning towards more sophisticated tools. Growing privacy concerns, cybersecurity threats, and the desire to access geo-restricted content have led many users to type “change IP address on iPhone” in their favorite browser for...

What is a VPN? Everything You Need to Know

What is VPN? This is a question many people have been asking lately, especially in the wake of recent global events. A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a service that allows you to connect to the Internet securely and anonymously. It creates an encrypted VPN tunnel between your device and the server. This has...

How To Use VPN on Your iPhone

Most people don’t realize it, but using a VPN on an iPhone should no longer be considered an optional security measure. Nowadays, personal data is a priceless commodity; protecting it is something that all should start to take more seriously, regardless of what device you’re using. Don’t believe us? Take into account a recent report...

How to Change iPhone Location & Switch Your Apple Store Region

In the digital age, managing your virtual presence is arguably just as important as your physical presence. Location spoofing is no longer exclusive to secret agents or voyeurs; any tech-savvy individual may do it for various legitimate purposes. Enhancing privacy, bypassing geographic restrictions, and enjoying unrestricted internet browsing are just a few examples. In this...

How to Know If Your Phone Is Being Monitored

Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives today. We use our phones for various purposes like communication, internet browsing, online shopping, and banking. With the rise of mobile technology, it has also become easier for someone to track your phone without your knowledge. So, it is essential to know if your phone is...

5 Best Ad Blockers for Safari in 2024

Browsing on Safari is a pleasant experience until you click on one of the many pop-up ads. Some ads disguise themselves as a “play” button, which brings you to their website instead of playing a video. Thankfully, these best ad blockers for Safari will stop any unwanted ads. Try ClearVPN Experience the full potential of...

How To Clear Cookies on iPhone – Safari, Chrome, and Firefox

Cookies are delicious when had with a cup of coffee or tea, but mean a very different thing in the virtual world. If you don’t manage cookies, you might face several problems as they are tracking elements hidden deeply in your iPhone. Follow the steps in this article to learn how to clear cookies on...

Why Everyone Needs a VPN: Common VPN Uses

In this modern era of digital connectivity, online security is no longer a luxury but a necessity. One of the key tools to ensure this security is a Virtual Private Network, or VPN. The myriad VPN uses not only encompass safeguarding your online privacy, but they also extend to securing your data, bypassing geo-restrictions, and...

Top 10 Security Apps for iPhone to Use in 2024

Did you know that mobile devices are a goldmine for cybercriminals? It’s not difficult to see why, considering that people spend countless hours on their smartphones using all manner of sensitive financial services. Consider, too, that these devices aren’t exactly secure right out of the box — and iOS devices are no exception. Fortunately, you...

Best Secure Messaging Apps

If you’re like most people, you probably have many private conversations that you don’t want anyone else to see. Whether it’s personal or business-related, a secure messaging app is a great way to keep your conversations confidential. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best messaging apps on the market and how they can...

ClearVPN Update: iOS Widget is Finally Here!

We’re excited to announce the release of ClearVPN Widgets for your iPhone — a more convenient and instant way to access the best ClearVPN features all in one place. Widgets are available with the new update for the ClearVPN app. This update changes and improves your VPN experience in a major way. You can check...

How to Turn Off Tracking on iPhone

In today’s digital world, privacy has become a significant concern for many iPhone users and for good reason. With the many technological advances, it’s easier than ever for third parties to track our every move. If you want to regain control of your privacy, then you need to learn how to turn off app tracking...

The Importance of Using a VPN for Remote Work

Working remotely has become a new norm,  as more people than ever before are able to work from home, in coffee shops, or in other remote locations. According to a study published by Global Workplace Analytics, a staggering 82% of US workers would prefer to work remotely at least once a week. That translates to...

How to Know if Your Phone is Hacked

There’s no denying that in today’s digital world, we spend a lot of our time on our smartphones. As a result, these devices end up storing a lot of sensitive information — valuable data that makes an attractive target for hackers. To make matters worse, many people get their phones hacked without even realizing it....

How to Find and Remove Spy Apps on Your Phone

Mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives. We use them for everything from communication to banking, and as a result, they contain a wealth of personal and sensitive information. Unfortunately, some individuals may seek to exploit this information by installing spy apps on mobile devices. Spy apps can be installed on a...

How to Use Incognito Mode in Safari for iPhone, iPad, and Mac

In today’s online world, it’s no secret that each and every move we make online may be tracked and stored by various entities. This remains true even on Apple devices, well-known for their secure operating system, iOS.  But what if you want to keep your browsing activity private? Enter incognito mode in Safari, said to...

How to Set Parental Control

In the digital age, children have unprecedented access to the internet and the various online platforms that exist. While this offers them incredible opportunities to learn, connect, and explore, it also puts them at risk of encountering inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and other online threats. This is where parental control comes in.  By using software and...

Signal vs Telegram vs WhatsApp: Which One is More Secure?

Security and privacy should be your top priority when using a messaging app. But how secure are the giant messenger apps? Is it better to use Signal vs Telegram vs WhatsApp?  Consider a report by Comparitech on the Privacy Policy of Internet Giants that states (among other things) Facebook Messenger shared user data with third parties —...

How to Spot Fake Apps

In today’s digital age, apps have become an integral part of our daily lives. From social media to online shopping and entertainment, there is an app for almost everything. However, with the rise of fake apps, it has become essential to know how to spot them to avoid falling victim to scams, malware, and other...

Why Is It Important To Use a VPN While Traveling

Imagine you’re on an idyllic holiday when you realize your email has been hacked. Or, worse, you realize a hacker has gotten access to your bank account. All of a sudden, your picture-perfect paradise is shattered – and the rest of your trip is spent trying to patch up the holes so more damage isn’t...

iPhone Security Tips to Keep Your Data Safe

Many people consider iOS devices to be the most secure mobile operating systems available. However, even with the latest iPhone security features in place, your data is only as safe as your willingness to use them. In this article, we’ll look at some of the lesser-known security tips on iPhone that you can use to...

Is it Dangerous to Scan a QR Code?

It’s not difficult to see why QR codes have become immensely popular. They offer a quick and convenient way to share digital information. By scanning the code with a mobile device, users can capture data such as website addresses, event details, menus, and contact information, all in a matter of seconds. Nevertheless, some have concerns...

Is Bluetooth Safe?

As we increasingly rely on digital technology, it’s important to consider the security implications of our devices and services. One such technology is Bluetooth, which has become ubiquitous in modern life – but is Bluetooth safe? In this quick guide, we’ll look at what Bluetooth is, how it works, and the potential risks associated with...

What To Do Before Downloading An App?

Do you remember the times before App Store came into play? Smartphone users used to rely on applications they downloaded from the internet. In most, there was no guarantee that those apps were legit. Yeesh.  Now, Apple and Google check all apps in their app stores. But they are not all-powerful. Even when you download...